Lisa's Legacy: A Hidden Treasure


Three years ago, we lost a dear close friend sold out for Jesus, Lisa Merideth.

I take the time to honor her legacy with supporters like you in this space as a reminder of the life-changing impact Jesus creates through believers who care for others in need with radical love.

I became a life changed when I met Lisa, her husband David, and their family. You can read more backstory here about how they cared for me when I was a brand new Christ-follower, released from jail, desperate for a new start in life.. 

I was far from the only recipient of their loving generosity in this way; this is really how they live life. And all of it, with a spirit of joy. The way they loved me changed the trajectory of my story, and quite literally helped plant the very roots of what you see today at Greenhouse Project.

Reflecting on Lisa’s life brings to mind Matthew 13:44, where Jesus is talking about his favorite subject, the kingdom of heaven. 

Matthew 13:44 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

In this short parable, we see an exemplary response to the promise of life in Jesus. With joy, the man sells his earthly possessions, trading everything he once held of earthly value, to obtain and own a new treasure—a treasure worthy of going “all in” for.

The pure joy of knowing, without a doubt, that this hidden treasure brings eternal life with Jesus is a joy modeled so effortlessly by Lisa.  

Her legacy is marked by a spirit of genuine faith where everything earthly — possessions, accolades, job status, financial security — is worth nothing compared to the riches of knowing Jesus. He is the treasure. Full redemption in Him is worth selling everything for.  

Lisa dedicated her life to pouring into others with the love of Jesus. And from a place of gratitude, here are three themes in her legacy that have ministered to me as I’ve reflected on her influence in my life… with hopes this ignites something fresh in all our faith journeys!


Radical love is the driving factor for those in Christ. Those who are forgiven much are called to love much. And we are called not only to love those who love us, but to love our enemies.

Lisa would share with me stories of a family that loved her as a teenager. They would come to pick her up for church, and welcomed her into their family.

Coming from a dysfunctional upbringing, Lisa would sometimes try to ditch them, and even hide.

But this particular church family modeled something Lisa wanted for herself: genuine faith and unshakable joy.

This family continued to love Lisa, inviting her into their lives. And when she was saved, Lisa and her husband David desired to shape their own family around this same type of genuine love that had so greatly impacted her. 


Hurt people hurt people, but forgiven people help hurt people heal.

Jesus seeks and saves the lost. Having experienced the effects of both a broken life and redeemed life, Lisa sought to rescue others.

This drew her heart to outreach and urban street ministries, where her whole family would serve together with a desire to help others find treasure in Jesus.

I remember when she shared that over 30 people had become part of her family over the years—so many others ministered to, just like they did for me! People become whole in Christ-centered families seeking to rescue.


This would not be an article about Lisa’s legacy without saying: life is ministry and ministry is life. Lisa and David made their life about serving Jesus. They found a treasure and sold all they had for a new life in Jesus Christ.

Their life raising four incredible children was focused on leading them on a mission for Christ. When I met Lisa and David we had a similar mindset, but I didn’t yet have a family to go home to. She included me in their family… and the rest is history. 

Lisa lived in the love of treasuring Jesus, and it's why we would move into a city like Chester, believing this kind of love can truly transform people, families and communities. 

Lisa had a dream of buying a house and moving into Chester. Although it didn’t come to pass that way, here we are carrying the torch that was ignited by God and championed through Lisa. 

Her legacy of caring for those around her and her reputation of Godliness and good fruit still live in our memories today. 

May we all be encouraged at the memory of Lisa’s faithfulness and be inspired to love others with a “family love” like she did.

It’s an honor to keep part of Lisa’s legacy alive through Greenhouse Project. 

What started as one house in Chester has grown into multiple locations and ministries. Thanks to God's faithfulness, teams of volunteers, and your generous financial support, we will continue to share Jesus within the communities we serve.

Practical ways to help!

In loving memory of Lisa and her ongoing impact in countless lives, you can make a difference today in the life of a hurting neighbor or family through our growing ministry.