The Power of Interruptions in Hard Places

“You got time to fix my tire?” 

A young boy on the block lingered outside our home with a bike and a deflated tire, going nowhere fast. He caught me in the middle of juggling family life and a work appointment, about to run some errands. In all honesty, my gut response was focused on getting the errands done. But something gave me pause.

I felt this was a time to slow down and be present. Together, my young friend and I examined the bike and after some digging in the shed, put a tire pump to work. But to no use… the tire tube had ripped a hole. After catching up on how summer was going, my young friend eventually walked his bike to his next stop, grateful for the help despite the less-than-optimal bike fix. 

Our time together got me thinking about interruptions.

Jesus’ ministry was full of interruptions. In fact, more than half of the miracles in the Bible happened when Jesus was on his way somewhere else or doing something unrelated. 

The people around him “interfered” with his plan for that day, but he stopped anyway.

Jesus had a scheduled rhythm, and a destination. But he was interruptable.

He lived at a pace that made room for stopping to connect, changing plans so that he could heal someone in need. Pausing a teaching moment to make way for heart transformation.

Do we miss what God is doing through interruptions as we hold tightly to our plans or agendas?

Lately a mother with a young daughter have consistently come out to Tuesday’s food outreach. The mother has connected really well with a woman who volunteers with us, and has grown comfortable enough to accept her offers for prayer. 

It’s turned out to be a life line for this mother.

We’ve watched her go from looking hopeless to glowing with tearful joy as she greets our volunteer with hugs, gratitude, a few new prayer requests, and a full recap on how God is moving in her family’s life.

Her young daughter quietly joins hands with them in a small circle as they slow down and get prayed for, a witness to the steady faith blooming inside her mom thanks to a once-stranger who stops to genuinely care for them.    

Daily life in Chester is filled with interruptions—from a neighbor needing prayer to a child seeking a safe place to ask for help. 

These moments are not distractions from our work; they are the work.

Each interruption is an opportunity to put our faith in action, provide hope, and make a difference in the lives of those around us. 

In a place where the odds seem stacked against so many, we have seen firsthand how growth happens—one conversation, one attempted bike fix, one prayer at a time.

Our mission is to bring hope, stability, and the love of Jesus to those who need it most. Every knock on the door, every conversation on the sidewalk, is a chance to be present, to listen, and to catch a small piece of what God is doing in His way and timing. 

Join us in embracing the interruptions, because that’s where life’s most meaningful growth occurs.